Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Started August 2011
Revised October 2012

Starlight faded into sunrise
and there arose that wholesome soul,
richly robed in naught but his truths
he 'crept in through the carvéd door.
There he wandered across the way
yonder and hence, staining the walls.
He pressed his touch with every beat
Escaped his breath on every vein
and there he did brandish his mark,
claiming the heart to call his own.

She awoke not sure of the morn
her halls encroached with ghostly wounds.
But there at the way her door did sway
the gate gaping open to the worms.
But no trace of the frightful night
did float upon her injured breast.
Left to wander about the scarred corners,
for light did press upon her cheek,
she pushed away the loathsome past,
and lit the gloom to find the lost.

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