Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bleeding Blue

First football game of the season

I weaseled my way into going to one of the Cougars' games with my roommates Ashley and Kaycie. It was hot, we had seats waaaaay high up and I of course, forgot my sunglasses. We lost, no biggie. I only go to BYU games for the social anymore. The highlight of the whole game may have been walking home, which took over a half hour since our house and the stadium are on opposite sides of campus.

Half way home!
By far the best moment- taking this picture. That or when Kaycie fell asleep during the game :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One time...

One time this summer my friends and I took a really cool picture
PS, you know how I'm wearing that blue bandana? Yeah I almost got jumped for wearing it on the strip. Good thing we were almost to the car and we had Parker with us. I'm serious! This guy walked up all in my face and said "Yeah! You wear dat blue boy!" (or something like that) I thought he had been talking to Parker since I am clearly not a boy, but nope he meant me. Great for all I know I probably flashed him some gang sign or something