Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Worse, better, worse, better, never perfect

I'm supposed to be getting better not more sick! But that's not how this weekend turned out. The sinus pressure and the headaches are gone, but I'm still a bit congested (and now there's lots of drainage) and guess what?! I now have a sore throat that makes it almost impossible to swallow. In fact, it hurts so much that I have avoided swallowing at all and just spit any time I need to. It has been such a fabulous time. I've been sick for almost two months and it is unbelievably frustrating. I've been really good about getting to bed early (except this weekend) and...ok that's about it. Food isn't always the greatest when you're cooking dinner for one (too lazy to do it for one) and I've been really shoddy with exercising. So basically I need a major lifestyle change or else I'm just going to keep being sick, more sick, sort of sick, sick, more sick, and so forth.

Gosh this stinks.

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