Conference weekend I went and stayed up in Pleasant Grove with Hayley and Maddox. Earlier that week we all went out to the Bombay House for dinner because Chris and Becca were in town. So Saturday they came over and watched a little bit of Conference with us before we went up to Salt Lake with them to Becca's sister's house for birthday cake and just to visit.
Sunday morning I drove back up to Salt Lake with my two roommates Emily and Lisa and our FHE brothers Kelly and Trent. Kelly had gotten tickets to the Sunday morning session of Conference and had invited us to go. I've never been to Conference at the Conference Center, so it was a really cool to go experience that. I have always heard people talk about how amazing it is to be in the same room as the prophet, but I never really knew how amazing until that morning. I was sitting there, in between Emily and Trent playing solitaire with Trent on his iPhone, when the entire room went silent and everyone stood up. It caught me unawares and I stumbled onto my feet. As I stood there squinting my eyes down to the center of the pulpit straining my eyes to see President Monson enter the room I felt the most...interesting feeling ever. I don't really know how to explain it, it wasn't the chills or some burning in my bosom, I just felt like a giant cloak had enveloped me. I didn't feel warmer or anything I just extremely comfortable and at peace, like I had taken a great sigh of contentment. That feeling was just a confirmation to me that all those men in suits have been called by our Father in Heaven and that President Monson is a prophet and seer for our time. It always feels like such a blessing to have those feelings reconfirmed. I managed to stay awake the entire time, which I was extremely grateful for, I was so afraid I was going to fall asleep sometime during the session while I was sitting in the same room with the apostles and prophets! But I didn't.
After Conference I drug everyone around Temple Square trying to find Dan Magstadt, a really good friend from our freshman year who was serving his mission in Salt Lake. And guess what? We found him!
1 comment:
You're so pretty.
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