We got in around midnight, whereupon my cousin Colton, Joe and I headed down to Bench Lake (it's not really a lake) so they could practice their music for the Peach Day's fair (it had been more than two years since they had played together and they were missing a member of their band, Brad, who is serving a mission at the moment). Saturday morning we got up bright and early and went down to the parade. I rode in the float with Hayley, Maddox, Aunt Jilyn and Aunt Cathie and the rest of the younger cousins (Grandpa Barber planted the first peach tree in Hurricane).
The Parade! -ish
After the parade we went off to the fair where they had food vendors, competitions for food and art. My cousin Tyson won first place with his cookies and ginormous watermelon that we busted later that night. It was amazing. Colton and Joe played twice that day and were received by a very warm crowd. The girls couldn't keep their hands off of them :) One guy was determined to get them on America's Got Talent or something else crazy like that. We're pretty sure he was drunk, although they have had a run in with him before and apparently he's loaded...with money...and with booze :)
After the fair and what not several of us went back to Grandma and Grandpa's and took naps. Later that night I went to the rodeo with Colton, Tyson and Joe and watched these tiny little kids ride horses in barrel racing and do some mutton bustin' (that's when they ride sheep). It was pretty hysterical, especially when there was about 30 kids running around trying to catch chickens. After that we had a shindig at Colton's and busted a watermelon and built a hot tub in a water trough over a fire. It was amazing and felt so good and was totally awesome!!!
Sunday night Joe, Colton and I went out South of Town and to Bench Lake, where we did the traditional walk down the dirt road. If it hadn't of been so stinking dark I would have gotten a picture. I had to go to the bathroom this entire time, which was the only reason why the boys didn't try to scare me. I've already got horrific memories of the last time they did. Joe and Colton just laugh about that one... Out South of Town was where Colton first told me skin walker stories so I wasn't too keen on going out there. I spent the entire time with my back against his just so that nothing could attack me from behind. Oh! We had an amaz-z-zing stake lunch with potatoes on Sunday. I love meat. We left Monday after lunch, this time the trip was fairly quick and painless. Getting back into Provo wasn't exactly a treat, except I finally got to see Emily who had abandoned me for 4 months for the Brits. Overall it was a kicking weekend and loads of fun!
Oh yes, Maddox was amazing at waving to everyone while on the float. He even had both hands going:
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