Friday, August 1, 2008

Baby Knowledge

Fern, Erin, and Becca are all in town this week with their babies (baby and a half for Erin). We've all been having a blast and they have had more than enough hands and arms to hold their babies. So many that they are all going to go into withdrawals when they go home. Last night as we were gathering around for prayers (no boys were home) we started talking about how babies are born and where and how they grow. In the end we pulled out our two trusty anatomy books and had a quick lesson. The three little girls had quite the faces on when we tried to explain everything. I will admit there were a couple moments when I was in mental pain trying to imagine the whole birthing process. I can't really say we had a blast talking about it but it was pretty stinking hilarious explaining everything while half of us were laughing and the other half had grotesque looks on our faces.

1 comment:

RJ said...

Oh you KNOW I woulda loved that convo! Pregnancy and birth are the best. I thought it would already be done by now but even though I'm late I'm still going to make Sophia her own children's book about her birth, complete with unedited photos of the whole play by play. I think it's beeeyoutiful, and I bet she will too! :) Miss and love you girls, Rachel