Aimee and I went to visit my mother while she was at Open House for the high school. While there a couple high school boys asked me for my number. Well, they almost did. Aims and I were standing in Hawk Hall and I had the misfortune of making eye contact with this little punk kid (k, he wasn't little as in young/short,just in maturity level) and he turned to his little friend and said to him, "Go get her number," and then turned back and smiled at me. Right after Aims and I headed back to my mom's classroom and we passed by them and young 'un #2 turned to young 'un #1 and told him once again to "go get her number." We beelined it out of there cuz I knew the only response I could possibly have to a high school aged boy asking for my number was one that would shatter his ego. Or just give him a cool story about how he almost got some college girl's number.
So maybe this story would have been cooler if they had really asked for my number and some of you may doubt that the young 'uns were even talking about me. So this is really a you-had-to-be-there story, because if you had been then you wouldn't doubt it and you would find it pretty funny yourself. The end.
I love when people share you-had-to-be-there stories. It shows courage and confidence. Plus it's usually still funny, if not AS funny as when it happened. Which was definitely the case here. I laughed (responsively, of course) at boy #1, felt motherly toward boy #2 and wished I could hang out with girl #1. :)
amelia, i believe
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