Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I've been on a poetry kick lately. It began with a poetry reading a...month?....ago Wait, wait, wait. It actually began when that one time my mom told me to write poetry and I put those two poems up on here. From there I began sharing my words with a few friends, whose enthusiasm sparked my own and whose compliments gave me hope for success. Then there was the poetry reading, and finally a friend who writes more often than I do, and probably about cooler things.

I want to share some videos by poets who blow me away. Their words and their performances are amazing and I love what they do and who they are and just everything about these poems. Enjoy!

Also, check out my friend Dave's blog here

The Most Amazing Slam Poet
by Peter Nevland

Love Poem
by Rudy Francisco

My Honest Poem
by Rudy Francisco


ChJArnett said...

My Honest Poem... Right on.

Coby Gerstner said...

To quote the crowd, "word." that guy is gooooood