Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What got me through this day

(Disclaimer: I wrote this in about 30 seconds. No judging. It's ridiculous I know, but I needed something to do)

What got me through this day
Of what seemed like eternal gray

A little lot of sunshine
A Dr Pepper so I won't pine

Pirate Booty
To complete the looting

Peanut Butter M&M's,
Ate a bazillion of 'em

Odwalla smoothie
Helped me feel groovy

A bagel with cream cheese
For brunch (or was it lunch?) if you please

A classy sweater on my shoulders
Yes I did just give some smoulder

Chatting moments with a friend
Blogging for teachers, again and again

Errands to and fro
Picking up mail and well, you know

Finding excuses to leave these chairs
Up and down ten flights of stairs

Scentsy smells that reminded me of a boy
Brought short moments of illicit joy

Not having to take care of snack
Helped me to relax

Spotify  music filled with Taking Back Sunday
Made this such a good day

Ingrid Michaelson finished it up
Followed by Mumford and Sons to psyche me up

Writing terrible poetry got me going
Pretending like I know what I'm doing

To give you this ridiculous poem
Until I can finally go home

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