Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunburn Remedy



The best sunburn remedy ever.

I got a decently bad sunburn last Thursday from hanging around the pool. I had heard that vinegar compresses help take the sting away but I was determined to find something that lasted a bit longer and worked better. So I googled sunburn remedies and found that if you take a bath with Apple Cider Vinegar it takes the sting away and also prevents peeling. I was a bit skeptical but thought I'd try it any. All you do is add 2 cups (or one bottle) of Apple Cider Vinegar to a lukewarm bath and soak for 15 minutes (or 30, depending upon how tough you are). PS lukewarm baths are no fun at all, and even though the water feels good pouring in, after 15 minutes it's pretty cold.

Since taking that bath Thursday night (the night of getting the sunburn) I have applied aloe vera on my burnt areas quite liberally and at least 3 times a day. It's not the Monday following and my neck, back of my legs and face are all just about healed and into tan mode. My back had the worst of it and the only problem is that it itches something fierce (which means it's healing). But the only thing that has peeled was my face and that's only because I didn't go under in the vinegar bath.
I'm really impressed actually that it worked. So if you're looking for a quick fix with the sunburns take a vinegar bath. The burns will still hurt a bit in the following days but they'll heal quicker and won't peel or flake.

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