Wednesday was an odd day. I can't really explain what was going on, all I know is that I was in the zone and life felt way too realistic to not notice some random things. Here are just a few of the sporadic thoughts that I had throughout my day:
I saw a car that reminded me of an ex-boyfriend. I didn't cry until I saw the way that the sun hit the snow-covered mountains...there are better things to cry about than old boyfriends.
I drove with the sunroof and the windows down and relished in the cold air. I missed summer.
I miss my music. I use to listen to music way too much, I was always plugged into my earphones or had my speakers on. My best friend now has my speakers and I feel like I'm missing out on something important if my ears are plugged. I was wrong, I'm going back to having a constant soundtrack in my life.
I realized my calling in life is to be a mom when I picked up my niece after her nap. I cried.
I had an epiphany about life: I am in control, I am in control of whether or not I am happy...yeah, took me 21 years to realize that.
I went hot tubbing with friends the other night and met a girl who was 18, that's when I realized that I'm old.
I'm happy, completely content. Peaceably happy.
Waiting is overrated. Boys still stink, but I'm not waiting around for them anymore.
1 comment:
Good. :)
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