Monday morning brought a sense of spontaneity and I dyed my hair brown. I honestly didn't even think about it and just said, yes, let's do it. And we did! (We meaning Callie and I. She was dying her hair and in the process asked if I wanted to do mine. So we just switched off, I dyed hers and she finally got a hold of my hair and dyed mine) Don't worry it's not a crazy dark brown, the color is called golden brown actually, and that's what it looks like. I like it, I won't lie, not as much as the blond of course, I mean being the only blond in my group of friends makes me unique, plus I don't mind the prejudice I get from my hair color, it just means I blow people away when I prove that I'm actually smarter than they expected. Pictures to follow, just haven't had much opportunity to really take pictures, and if we have they aren't on my camera.
Signing off:
The newest brunette in town
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