Finals are coming, finals are coming. I'm spazzing out just a little bit. So as of tomorrow I have 4 days of classes left and 2 weeks of this semester left to endure. WOO HOO!!! My list of things to do is actually quite small, but each things takes up probably an entire day to finish. Such as study for Biology final...3 days at least! Study for English and finish the 13 prompts that are also due for our final...I can't even calculate the time I am going to need to suffer through that.
It's been an eventful semester thus far, I won't lie. Lots of drama, lots of learning, lots of growing up (hoping on my part), broken hearts (mine and a few guys :)), broken wrists (not mine thankfully), Thanksgiving, lots of road trips, too many CDs made for road trips, not enough sticky notes used, new clothes, new friends (a lot of new friends), new job, new grandbaby, more goals, lots of sick days (yeah remember that one time I got a sinus infection and then tonsilitis [oh yeah i got tonsilitis quite hilarious moment in my life, nope those babies are still in my throat]), and way too many other things to list. It was fun. Although I could have been better about exercising and eating healthy...New Year's resolutions!
There is one thing I learned in these past four months that I really want to share. As I have come to learn more about who I am and what I really want in life I have realized that as long as I am doing the things I need to be doing and choosing the right, then I can do anything. Yeah I know it seems cheesy to say but it's so true! Not only can I do anything but I can receive great blessings. I have always been told to read my scriptures and say my prayers, attend church, etc. but it never really hit home until I started doing those things with the right attitude. I wasn't just doing them to do them, rather I was doing them because I wanted to. After that attitude adjustment I really figured all of this out. I also learned that when I am doing the right things, that's when I am most happy. That's when I am happy. After that, everything else falls into place. We don't need to worry about anything else, just get done what we need to, say your prayers, read the scriptures, attend church, write in your journal, serve others, have patience, and everything else will work itself out.
I will admit that I forget this sometimes, especially in the heat of the moment. But when I remember it's like a weight has been lifted off my chest again, and all the petty arguments and the boy drama and the overwhelming school work, all of that seems so miniscule in the grand scheme of things. I'm ok, and once I'm happy and ok, then everything just feels right in the world. I'm striving to be ok, I'm not there yet but I know that once I get there...well we'll just see what happens :)
Don't stress about school it will all get done some how. Make sure you get lots of sleep and manage your time well and you will do great. Thanks for watching Addie the other night. We love you!!
That was wonderfully insightful and all that mothers hope for their daughters to eventually learn.
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