Saturday, August 30, 2008
I'm in Harricun (Hurricane) this weekend for Peach Days. At the moment we are waiting out a nasty wind storm and hoping/not hoping for rain. It's been a really fun day actually, but I really want to blog once I get all of my photos uploaded. So you'll have to wait, but just know that I will have oober amounts of things to blog about after this week.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Why The Source could never be a cop...
While driving down Recker Road one day with my mother we passed a car who was slowly accelerating past us. Ok more of moderately accelerating because I could foresee him, moments later, cruising down the street at a dangerous speed for J-walkers. Anyway, Mom turns to me and says, "If I was a cop I would pull him over right now!" I was a little confused because at the moment he wasn't even speeding, he was just passing us! So I asked why and she said, "He just looks like he's going to speed."
Needless to say, I am grateful The Source is not a cop, or else we would all be pulled over because she would think, just by looking at us, that we were going to speed.
Needless to say, I am grateful The Source is not a cop, or else we would all be pulled over because she would think, just by looking at us, that we were going to speed.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What's the best way to spend your last day at home before moving back to college?
With a sore throat!!!
This stinks...
With a sore throat!!!
This stinks...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thin blood

la frileuse: female susceptible to the cold
May I! I'm cold alllll the time! Everyone else will be sitting in a room fanning themselves and saying it's hot while I think the temperature is perfect. And then when everyone else feels great I'll be freezing, searching for a pair of socks or a jacket. When the fan is on I'll get up to get a blanket and my sisters will just tell me to turn the fan off, but I still need that cold air on me, even if it is turning my toes purple. Same goes in the car, the air conditioning will be on full blast but I'll just turn the vents away from me, not off. But I think all of this just comes with being in Arizona - if you turn the vents off you start sweating. I blame my thin blood, which I got from living in Arizona. That's why Utah winters aren't always the most fun for me, as if I wasn't already cold enough!
Gone Going
So Wednesday morning I'm flying to Sacramento where I will be picked up be my sister Hayley. We will then immediately begin the 12+ hour drive back home to good ol' Gilbert. Hayley is moving up to Pleasant Grove, Utah to live with my other sister Fern while Hayley's own husband is deployed for the second time to Iraq. I'm along for the ride because there's no way anyone in their right mind would take that drive alone with an 11 month old baby. I'm actually pretty excited to go because road trips are fun and I honestly love to me control :)
My pops and I were going over "the plan" last night, because we just ain't gonna do the whole trip in one day, all three of us would be exhausted an quite cranky. So Wednesday night we are gonna get a hotel room in San Bernardino and then make the rest of the trip on Thursday. For some reason staying in a hotel always screams out adventure to me. Like when my friend Tara's mom came to visit us in Provo last semester, she stayed in a hotel and let us come sleep over one night. It was just fun bouncing on the beds pretending we were five and then snuggling up to each other under the nasty sheets while watching a movie.
Anyway, after we get home Thursday I have two and a half days to pack up my life (actually just my clothes and shoes, don't really have much else down here) and get ready for the long drive back up to Utah. Which...we're also doing in...2 days! Hayley, baby Maddox and I are leaving for Utah on Sunday right after church, stop in Hurricane for the night and then drive to Pleasant Grove Monday. I'm just excited to get to Hurricane to see my cousin Colton who just returned home from serving a mission in the Czech Republic.
Overall, I'm gonna be in a car for about 24 hours, not to mention a plane ride thrown in the mix there. I should just stand up for the next two days to make up for the loss of feeling I shall receive in my behind. I am taking suggestions for any good music to listen to in the car; my most recent playlist is already getting old. I'd ask for suggestions of a good book, but I have yet to finish my summer book list, which I am totally kicking myself for.
So I think I've talked enough now...
My pops and I were going over "the plan" last night, because we just ain't gonna do the whole trip in one day, all three of us would be exhausted an quite cranky. So Wednesday night we are gonna get a hotel room in San Bernardino and then make the rest of the trip on Thursday. For some reason staying in a hotel always screams out adventure to me. Like when my friend Tara's mom came to visit us in Provo last semester, she stayed in a hotel and let us come sleep over one night. It was just fun bouncing on the beds pretending we were five and then snuggling up to each other under the nasty sheets while watching a movie.
Anyway, after we get home Thursday I have two and a half days to pack up my life (actually just my clothes and shoes, don't really have much else down here) and get ready for the long drive back up to Utah. Which...we're also doing in...2 days! Hayley, baby Maddox and I are leaving for Utah on Sunday right after church, stop in Hurricane for the night and then drive to Pleasant Grove Monday. I'm just excited to get to Hurricane to see my cousin Colton who just returned home from serving a mission in the Czech Republic.
Overall, I'm gonna be in a car for about 24 hours, not to mention a plane ride thrown in the mix there. I should just stand up for the next two days to make up for the loss of feeling I shall receive in my behind. I am taking suggestions for any good music to listen to in the car; my most recent playlist is already getting old. I'd ask for suggestions of a good book, but I have yet to finish my summer book list, which I am totally kicking myself for.
So I think I've talked enough now...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Addie's defense...
After placing her small handful of lettuce leaves on the table next to her plate, Addie was quickly accosted by all of us. We couldn't figure out why in the world she had put her salad on the table rather than on her plate. Her retort was, "I have to have an organized dinner and it's really hard because there's not enough room on my plate." And I thought I was OCD...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Why not hitch hike?
I was just on Google Maps trying to figure out how long it would take to drive from Vacaville California back home to Gilbert (reasons to come in later post). As I was perusing the page I came upon a button that lets you choose your transportation 1) by car or 2) walking. For kicks and giggles I switched from "by car" to walking and almost fell over laughing. If I were to walk from Vacaville California, a drive that lasts about 12 hours, it would take me 12 days and 16 hours to get home. They even had a warning saying that we should use caution – "This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths." Didn't surprise me, half of it was through national parks and preserves.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Going to the chapel...
Tanner and Carli are getting married hour and ten minutes!!! YAY! It was kind of weird this morning being on the other end of the whole wedding scene. Meaning that it was a boy in the house getting married and not a girl and there wasn't eight million girls trying to get ready in one bathroom. I don't care how spacious my parents bathroom is, there is not enough room in there with seven other girls. As we kneeled down to family prayers last night, Carli dropped in and most of us started singing the song from My Fair Lady - "I'm Gettin' Married in the Morning." It's been a lot of fun spending time with them as they have made the journey towards this eternal covenant. Carli expressed this morning when she came to get Tanner that she was so excited. It made me giddy to see the two of them drive off knowing that they are both so happy. We will all miss Tanner terribly, it has been so much fun, especially for the younger girls, to have him live with us. He's an amazing guy and Carli is so lucky to have snatched him, and the same goes for Carli. I'm excited to have her be a part of our surrogate family. Congratulations guys!
PS I would have inserted a photo but blogger is telling me it's "corrupted." I think something else is corrupt!
PS I would have inserted a photo but blogger is telling me it's "corrupted." I think something else is corrupt!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I gave a talk on Sunday, but I will talk more about that later. I just wanted to say that I had to say "especially" over the pulpit and I said it in correct English - no 'x' and I didn't even have to think about saying it right, it just came out. So Erin you can pat me on the back for finally saying it right!

All summer The Source and I have been buying Oriental Lilies and placing them on the side table next to the front door. I've read enough home decor magazines and Martha Stewart to know that fresh flowers are always a plus in the home, but for some reason I think that is only possible when one has a ginormous garden. Then it is much easier to go out each day and pick a fresh bouquet. But the small bunch of lilies we get at our Fresh & Easy is inexpensive and worth the cost. It's not just the beautiful flower itself that I love but the wonderful fragrance it has. Most mornings I forget we even have them until I brush past the door and am immediately hit with a fresh waft of that scent. It's so yummy your mouth waters and you can't help but feel delicious all over.
So I've decided that when I am independently wealthy I am going to go live in a small country cottage and plant unhealthy amounts of Oriental Lilies. Of course, I'll have such a large acreage that I will have separate gardens for a hundred flowers, but the Lilies will definitely be next to my front door. Then anyone who visits me will be overpowered with their smell and all who enter my cottage will be delightful and happy because they won't be able to help it. Something smells good, so why be grouchy?
Friday, August 8, 2008
Houston we have lift off!
I had the meanest joke played on me today. However, the person who played it had no idea that was what they were doing, they just made a slight error that had me on a little emotional roller coaster for a short while.
Anyway, I applied to a shelving job at the library up on BYU campus, thanks to Elise who had given me the tip off. I sent in my resume via email and received one in return saying I could either go in for an interview or call during a certain time. So I set up a phone interview for yesterday morning, had a great conversation with the manager, and felt really good about it. He informed me that about 40 people had applied for the 13-14 open positions and that they would send out an email sometime this afternoon to let us know if it was a yea or nay. I got my email around three this afternoon stating that they were unable to offer me a job at this time, yadda yadda. I'll admit, I got a little teary eyed and extremely disheartened. After spending three plus weeks of applying to more jobs than I can count on my two hands I was a little frustrated, and kind of devastated. Not that I was dying to get this job, I just didn't want to have to start the process all over again (kind of like dating in an odd, cruel way). I immediately got back onto BYU's student employment page, however, and started looking at more options.
About a half hour later I saw out of the corner of my eye that I had a new message in my inbox. I clicked over to find a second email from the manager. A bit confused, but desperately hoping, I opened it to find this:
"Amelia: Please forgive me. I sent the wrong notice to you. Please read the following:
With this email we are offering you a job as Library Shelver beginning fall semester Yadda Yadda We’re excited to have you join our team."
There were a few exclamations of excitement added by more tears. Rachel thought someone had died or was pregnant and when she came to investigate she peered down at me and asked in that you-are-so-weird way, "Are you crying?" Yeah I'm crying! I have a job!!! Hooray! I won't be poor! I can feed myself! I can meet cute guys in the library! I mean...well you know :)
Anyway, I applied to a shelving job at the library up on BYU campus, thanks to Elise who had given me the tip off. I sent in my resume via email and received one in return saying I could either go in for an interview or call during a certain time. So I set up a phone interview for yesterday morning, had a great conversation with the manager, and felt really good about it. He informed me that about 40 people had applied for the 13-14 open positions and that they would send out an email sometime this afternoon to let us know if it was a yea or nay. I got my email around three this afternoon stating that they were unable to offer me a job at this time, yadda yadda. I'll admit, I got a little teary eyed and extremely disheartened. After spending three plus weeks of applying to more jobs than I can count on my two hands I was a little frustrated, and kind of devastated. Not that I was dying to get this job, I just didn't want to have to start the process all over again (kind of like dating in an odd, cruel way). I immediately got back onto BYU's student employment page, however, and started looking at more options.
About a half hour later I saw out of the corner of my eye that I had a new message in my inbox. I clicked over to find a second email from the manager. A bit confused, but desperately hoping, I opened it to find this:
"Amelia: Please forgive me. I sent the wrong notice to you. Please read the following:
With this email we are offering you a job as Library Shelver beginning fall semester Yadda Yadda We’re excited to have you join our team."
There were a few exclamations of excitement added by more tears. Rachel thought someone had died or was pregnant and when she came to investigate she peered down at me and asked in that you-are-so-weird way, "Are you crying?" Yeah I'm crying! I have a job!!! Hooray! I won't be poor! I can feed myself! I can meet cute guys in the library! I mean...well you know :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Word of the day
Old School Stalking
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Feeling slightly flattered
Aimee and I went to visit my mother while she was at Open House for the high school. While there a couple high school boys asked me for my number. Well, they almost did. Aims and I were standing in Hawk Hall and I had the misfortune of making eye contact with this little punk kid (k, he wasn't little as in young/short,just in maturity level) and he turned to his little friend and said to him, "Go get her number," and then turned back and smiled at me. Right after Aims and I headed back to my mom's classroom and we passed by them and young 'un #2 turned to young 'un #1 and told him once again to "go get her number." We beelined it out of there cuz I knew the only response I could possibly have to a high school aged boy asking for my number was one that would shatter his ego. Or just give him a cool story about how he almost got some college girl's number.
So maybe this story would have been cooler if they had really asked for my number and some of you may doubt that the young 'uns were even talking about me. So this is really a you-had-to-be-there story, because if you had been then you wouldn't doubt it and you would find it pretty funny yourself. The end.
So maybe this story would have been cooler if they had really asked for my number and some of you may doubt that the young 'uns were even talking about me. So this is really a you-had-to-be-there story, because if you had been then you wouldn't doubt it and you would find it pretty funny yourself. The end.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Job update
I'm doomed. No really, I have the worst luck. The job I had the phone interview with found someone else. At least I got some good interview experience, though. Still bites...majorly.
We compared nostrils tonight. Only because Rachel turned to me after birthday "mousse pie" (for Tanner) and said that Tanner has one nostril smaller than the other. Mind you it took her a half hour to get it out because she was giggling hysterically and trying so hard to not draw attention to herself. She failed miserably so I ended up telling Tanner. His explanation for the deformity was that he picked that nostril harder when he was younger and it just built up a lot of scar tissue. I just think it's an odd mutation, although the picking the nose thing seems a bit more feasible. The girlies all got paranoid after that and I had to inspect all their noses and assure them that they were fine. They weren't so kind hearted to me because after checking mine, Addie burst out laughing saying that I have square will ensue later...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Baby Knowledge
Fern, Erin, and Becca are all in town this week with their babies (baby and a half for Erin). We've all been having a blast and they have had more than enough hands and arms to hold their babies. So many that they are all going to go into withdrawals when they go home. Last night as we were gathering around for prayers (no boys were home) we started talking about how babies are born and where and how they grow. In the end we pulled out our two trusty anatomy books and had a quick lesson. The three little girls had quite the faces on when we tried to explain everything. I will admit there were a couple moments when I was in mental pain trying to imagine the whole birthing process. I can't really say we had a blast talking about it but it was pretty stinking hilarious explaining everything while half of us were laughing and the other half had grotesque looks on our faces.
Interview shminterview
We have success! At least I feel like the interview went well. There were, however, lots of um's and pauses but maybe they just thought I am intelligent and think before I talk. Which I totally do...most of the time. Anyway, I find out on Monday if it's a no go or yes go (?). I personally think this is the hard part: waiting in complete agony wondering if you biffed it or not. Overall, I feel really confident in how the interview went, and very confident in myself.
Needing a little boost
Wish me luck on my phone interview tomorrow! I'm a bit nervous and a little ego boost never killed anyone.
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