I broke a blood vessel...in my finger. Once again, like my nosebleed, I did not achieve this battle wound in some heroic way like playing soccer. And it wasn't in a cool place like my foot, no it is in my right hand's middle finger - inside - which makes the backside of my knuckle all swollen. That and it is a yummy plum cover and it hurts like crazy. At least it did when I got it. So, going back to the non-heroic story, I was at institute last night and all the sudden it magically appeared. Really! I'm not quite sure when I actually broke it, it was either when I fell off one of the desks or when I just reached into my purse to get the car keys. It was a gruesome feat, I must say. All I remember is reaching in for my car keys and suddenly my finger started to itch, so I scratched it like any other sane person would do. But as I was scratching, it started to sting like crazy and I looked down and the vein in my finger was huge and almost black. It hurt pretty bad for probably five minutes and then I had to drive home. That was fun, I was giving everyone the birdie because the blood was still pulsing through it and my finger was throbbing terribly. I admit whole-heartedly that I almost panicked. I had no idea what was wrong with my finger and it was killing me, I started to tear up at one point too, quite the dramatic moment I tell you. But according to The Source, you can't do anything about broken blood vessels, so I'm just waiting this one out. So far it only starts to throb again when my hand is down at my side for too long or if I press too hard on the area (not saying that I randomly push on the bruised area, it's just at work I have to use a stapler a whole bunch and man! it's hard to push a stapler without using your middle finger. Try it, it's quite sad how the most offensive finger is our strongest).
I know that I am a klutz and that I am prone to odd injuries, but I hadn't completely realized this until this last one. For instance, my nose bleed: I just got out of bed and poof! Broken blood vessel: falling off a desk, or getting car keys out of my purse. I think that the injury that tops all of this was when I was dusting the family room not too long ago. I had gotten up on a chair to reach the top of some pictures and as I was stepping off of it I caught my leg on the corner of the head rest and next thing I knew I had a nice size bruise on my hamstring. That one made it hard to use the restroom for a couple of days. HA! another good story: when I was three I broke my elbow. But get this, I fell off the arm of the couch. I actually broke it twice in one day because after I fell my parents didn't think I had really broken it, and then later that day I fell down the stairs and broke it in another spot. After that they finally took me to the doctor.
In conclusion, I'm prone to disaster on my own two feet, or on my butt. One of these days I am going to be playing rugby, or snowboarding, or doing something crazy and get a real battle wound. No more of this sissy klutz stuff.
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