From blackest night to pale blue morn,
anticipation high in her throat,
choking back her lucent breath.
Each blink brighter than the last.
Each glimpse lighter than the first.
With an aching throb
she crept over the jagged horizon.
Stillest breath and glistening branch,
stiff in your frozen landscape
of diamonded dresses
and crystal cloaks.
Feel not her warm breath
until her burning gaze parts asunder
the cloudy barrier
betwixt our world and hers.
Rise up from the deadening world
of nightmares and ghosts.
Grasp onto her trailing rays
of hope and forgiveness.
Shake off the binding chains
of mistakes and regret
that encumber your spirit,
keeping you from living
from loving.
Peel back the drapes that hang heavy
across yesterday’s eyes.
Open up the cage of ribboned bones
and let loose the drooping bird that hangs there
pleading for her warm breath,
pleading for a new morn.
Unclasp your hands and let fall
the ashes of yesterday and watch
as the chains of sin and sorrow
crumble into the very dust
that blows from your quivering hands.
Exhale the pain that lingers
in the cavern of your chest.
Rise with the dawn.