The race started at 8:30am on a Saturday morning in May. I took ibuprofen before we started and again at mile 6. Stopping to walk and then starting up again hurt my leg more than just straight running, so whenever Fern and I needed a bit of a break I jogged next to her in the slowest, most ridiculous fashion possible just to save myself from too much pain. We beat our goal of running it in under 3 hours and I felt so great about it. It was no marathon but for me that half marathon was a big goal and milestone and I'm proud we did it.
Before the race, mind you, I think I fell asleep around 3am the night before because I was so anxious about running, so I had about 4 hours of sleep. (Also, Fern and I did not mean to match at all)
I've only really been running once since then, but I owe my speedy recovery to leg massages from Bobby, ice packs from Aaron and very few stairs in the last couple months.