I spent Labor Day weekend in Hurricane. And yes that is Hurricane to the right, this is the view from on top of Molly's Nipple. This "semester" has been pretty crazy so far. I have been gone almost every single weekend since it started, and well, I guess that is just what happens when you aren't in school. I hitched a ride down Saturday night and came home Monday evening. It was a really short trip but let's be honest, any excuse to get out of Provo is joyously welcomed. I drove down with Joe Furse and his sister Mary after they left their cousin's wedding in American Fork. The drive of course entailed me updating Joe on all of my love life woes and my "theory" on dating and its games. Mary must think I'm crazy after those 3 hours of me non-stop talking. Joe did get a word in edgewise when he told me all about his own dating scene and needless to say, it just felt good to talk to people who would listen and still love me in the end :)
We got in around midnight, dropped my stuff off at Grandma and Grandpa's then went over to see Colton and his mission companion Garen, who was visiting for the weekend also (same Garen in earlier post). I had thought that the weekend would be nice and relaxing, nothing too out of the ordinary. But Colton upped and surprised me with all these plans he had made to show off beautiful Southern Utah to Garen who had never been down there. So we drove out South of Town, shot the 12 gage (I just like saying that because it sounds tough),

also shot a pistol - my first time,

drove through Zions,

and of course through Short Crik aka Colorado City or vice versa. Monday Joe, Colton and I hiked Molly's Nipple- an extremely steep hike that will be unforgiving if you ever chance to slip on the soft dirt. The boys have hiked it several times at night which I swear is impossible since I was going at a snail's pace on the way down, praying I didn't slip and slide off the mountain.

It isn't exactly a pretty hike until you reach the top and you get that amazing view of Hurricane and Pine Valley. And then if you turn to your left you can see St. George and if you look hard enough the D for Dixie College.

After a shower and lunch we headed back to Provo (Logan for Joe). Such a bittersweet parting. I did manage to leave with a few jars of peaches and apricots. Oh and sorry about all the pictures. I kind of went overboard with the picture-taking. After hiking I checked the camera for how many I took and I was far past 100 (this is hardly 2 days were talking about).
Funny story: also after hiking Joe was reading the newspaper and flipped to the Zodiac daily fortunes. Mine began as follows, "You may feel as though you are in the center of a hurricane right now." You got that dang straight.
Oh and we saw a house that one of my "greats" built when my family originally owned a bunch of land up by Mt. Carmel

And while out there we saw this road, which has the best name ever. I could only imagine this in some Mark Twain story